No, You Aren't the Only One Confusing Haley Bennett With Jennifer Lawrence

If you don't know Haley Bennett's name yet, rest assured you'll have it seared into your memory by the end of the year. The talented 28-year-old actress burst onto the Hollywood scene in 2007 when she appeared in the Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore-led rom-com Music and Lyrics, but it's her current roles that have people talking. After kicking ass in The Magnificent Seven alongside Chris Pratt, Haley was cast as Megan Hipwell in The Girl on the Train, which left the internet wondering whether or not Jennifer Lawrence has a secret twin:

Haley Bennett looks like someone made a fancy porcelain doll version of Jennifer Lawrence.

— Alicia Lutes (@alicialutes) October 4, 2016

Embargoed from tweeting about #TheGirlOnTheTrain for now. But Haley Bennett is definitely Skeet Ulrich to Jennifer Lawrence's Johnny Depp

— Chris Lee (@__ChrisLee) September 29, 2016

If Jennifer Lawrence ever plays a twin in a movie, they don't even need to Parent Trap her. Just hire Haley Bennett to play her sister.

— Stefan Ellison (@MisterCoat) September 22, 2016

So this whole time, I thought it was Jennifer Lawrence in the #TheGirlOnTheTrain trailer, but it's actually an actress name Haley Bennett.

— Kayla Whitter (@kaylakedavra) September 9, 2016

From her blond hair to her delicate features, the resemblance between Haley and the Hunger Games actress is uncanny. Keep scrolling to see what has everyone talking!